Do you take into account the tax calendar to comply with your obligations as a taxpayer?
If you're not sure about key dates or want to make sure you're up to date, check out our 2023 tax calendar .
January Presentations
As you already know, January always starts off strong with the closing of the previous year.
Thus, during this month, you will have to submit, until January 20 , the following forms:
Form 039: Additions telegrama sa pilipinas made during December to the special regime for VAT group entities.
Form 111 : quarterly declaration of personal and professional tax withholdings.
Form 115 : quarterly declaration of rental withholdings.
Form 123 : quarterly declaration of withholdings on income from movable capital.
Form 161: summary of contributions received during 2024 to start a project.
And, on the other hand, until January 31 you can submit:
Form 036 and Form 037: declaration of census data of the company or natural person.
Form 130 : fractional payment of personal income tax (income on account of income tax).
Form 131: fractional payment of personal income tax (income on account of income tax under the Simplified Regime).
Form 179: Quarterly information declaration on the transfer of use of housing for tourism purposes.