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Example Heading Tag Hierarchy

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:14 am
by tanjitanji0011
From an SEO perspective, it is important that tags are organized in a hierarchical way : first the H1 tag is used, then the H2 tag and so on.

A different organization, in fact, could confuse both search engines and users.

In other words, the H1 tag should be placed at the top turkish girls numbers  of the HTML code and the other heading tags (h2, h3, etc.) should follow in the corresponding order.

Notice in the example above how the font size changes as you move down the hierarchy.

Finally, a best practice for SEO optimization is to use only one H1 within the page.

H1 tags must be consistent with the Search Intent
Don't forget about user search intent when writing your H1.


If this doesn't meet their expectations, they might abandon your site before even reading the content.

When this happens, not only do you lose potential customers or readers, but there is also a negative impact from an SEO perspective.

This behavior (visiting a website and then returning to the search results because you are not satisfied) is known as the pogo-sticking effect and can negatively affect your search engine rankings in the long run.