I'm assuming that when Google got built

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I'm assuming that when Google got built

Post by rh06022005 »

NICK: Interesting. So, can you actually expand a little bit on that point, building a company to scale versus building a company to sell. What are the differences? What are sort of the key differentiators between the two approaches there?

PANKIT: So, when you build a company to sell, fundamentally you're focusing on getting an idea validated. So you have a a thought process, you build a very viable product, you find netherlands girl whatsapp number someone to try it out, and get some initial traction that validates it. And fairly early on you are very clear that you have some target in mind that's going to potentially buy you on, right? And that's the intent, that you get a few successes and then you look to kind of exit. When you build a company to scale, no, thought to say that if you build a company to scale, you can't exit.


out or Microsoft got built out, the intent was never to build the first product and look for someone to buy. Or, in fact, if you look at it when Google came out, Yahoo was already a common player in that old space, right? And they could have chosen-- in fact, there was an offer by Yahoo to buy Google out. Right? So, I think when you build to scale you look from very beginning a structure and a process and a team, and you invest in it. So, if you look at it from very early days, we had looked at HR role, we had looked at the finance role, we had looked at an IT infrastructure role, we had looked at sales leaders. We had looked at building key pillars to the organization from very, very early on in our cycle. So while we were building the product, we were also building a structure that could allow us to scale, as and when the product became mature.

NICK: Wow, that's very very interesting. Makes a lot of sense. Well, that kind of leads us perfectly into our next point. Let's talk about growth. You know, how big was the team when you starte and how are you able to grow the company to over 400 employees now, worldwide, in such a short amount of time?

PANKIT: Yeah, so we were just three of us when we started. So we were basically, as I said, the judge, jury, and the prosecutor, all of them a small team that comes together to make it happen. And just like any of the startup, we started with just three of us, (indistinct) and I and just one other ex colleague of ours who came on board the journey. And, as I say, it's the judge, jury, and the prosecutor that kinda all comes together, and that's how you kinda create the first core tool. What, though, were very clear is that, you know, we had an idea about creating a company that fundamentally was going to alter the security landscape. And let me just give you a little of preamble of how the security industry works. Our industry primarily is very reactive in nature, by which I mean is that every time a new problem comes up, a new security outcome or a technology gets delivered.
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