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Reasons why you should never buy databases for your eMail Marketing campaigns

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:39 am
by rabia198
Surely at some point you have been tempted to increase your subscriber lists by buying databases and with this reach more potential clients for your eMail Marketing campaigns , however, be careful! Because as tempting as it may seem, it is not a good practice and we are going to give you the reasons why by buying databases you can put your entire business at risk.

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Why you should never buy databases
Being labeled as spam
GDPR Protection
Why you should never buy databases
Does this seem like an exaggeration to you? Imagine that someone you don't know knocks on your door to offer you a product or service. You will probably liberia business email list open the door the first time, and (statistically) the probability that you will be interested in what this seller is offering you is very low.

So you thank them for their visit and close the door. Now imagine this same salesman returning to your door, day after day, offering his products and services. Still not disturbing enough?


Well, this is equivalent to buying databases to carry out your e-mail campaigns, but wait! Being annoying for users is just the beginning, since despite being a common practice for companies that do not want to bear the effort of building their own database organically, it also has fatal consequences for companies.

Being labeled as spam
Think about it for a moment: if you don't like an email campaign that someone sends you, what do you do? Surely, in the best case scenario, you'll send it to the spam folder , and that, believe us, is the best thing that could happen to you.

By marking your message as spam, users will not only slam the door on you and never read any of your e-mail marketing campaigns again , but your opening rates will also decrease tremendously, but your reputation as a sender will also go down.
Strategies to feed your email marketing database
And be careful, because when you buy databases you could also be acquiring a spam trap, that is, they will contain invalid eMail addresses that have been configured by ISPs to detect spammers, so you would surely end up ruining all your eMail Marketing campaigns .

GDPR Protection
Remember when we said that being labeled as spam would be the least of your worries? Well, now we'll tell you why.

There is the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR that protects users against this type of practice. If for some reason this entity finds out that you have been sending emails to recipients without their authorization, that will be the end.

In Spain and the rest of Europe, the new regulations require that all contacts to whom you send your emails have given their express consent, and there are no excuses.

So now it's clear: under no circumstances should you buy databases to nurture your leads, so work really hard on your campaigns, motivate users to subscribe to your communications and be patient, because the best thing is not the quantity, but the quality.