Areteia school , located in Alcobendas, Madrid, is a centre for early childhood, primary, secondary, high school and vocational training (FP) education, which helps young people with greater learning difficulties. Areteia was founded in 1980 and, since then, its mission is to offer personalized attention through knowledge, adapting to the needs of each student. Its aim is to educate from individuality, respecting the differences that make each of the students who study at the centre unique.
To learn more about Areteia school, we spoke with Luis García Carretero, the kenya phone number data school's director . With him, we wanted to find out what role inclusive education plays at Areteia and other similar schools in Spain, as well as what special education is exactly and what its objective is.
What is individualised education? Is this form of education fully implemented in Spanish society today?
At Areteia, we have been focusing on personalised education for almost forty years. This primarily means that it is centred on the reference to personalisation, to the individualisation of the educational path to achieve maximum progress for each student based on their characteristics.
It is a fact that, since 1980, the educational system and society itself have changed significantly. From the 1970 law, through the LOGSE , to our current legislation, attention to diversity has gone from not being contemplated to being considered, at least in theory, a priority. There is a long way to go, but it is fair to recognize the immense number of needs that are still not covered in the design of both public, concerted and private education. That is why Areteia continues to exist because it first puts its will from a firm conviction and then, experience, knowledge and resources to promote the maximum development of the potential of each student.
What makes Areteia School different from any other centre in Spain?
To answer this question I must necessarily refer to the team of professionals who share a vision of education and a level of commitment and technical knowledge that is the key to the Project. José Antonio Marina has spread the African proverb that states that “it takes the whole tribe to educate a child”. This message takes on a special meaning in our design: the teaching and non-teaching team, their feelings, their actions, their knowledge and their ability to involve families in the right direction of educational action, is the first pillar of our past, present and future.