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Relaxation increases productivity

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:54 am
by arzina221
We work an average of 90,000 hours. A small improvement in your productivity can have a huge impact. For a year, I tested advice from research and literature to get more out of my working day. I would like to invite you to experiment too: it shows you your pitfalls. This way, you will know where and how you can achieve the most productivity gains in your working day. Do you also want to work 46% more productively? Read the 5 tips in this article.

1. Don't work overtime this week
Your total production is lower with a 60-hour workweek than with a 40-hour workweek. The quality of your work also decreases (check it out here ).

In an experiment, the Boston Consultancy Group prescribed consultants a mandatory evening off. After six o'clock, they were not allowed to work or check their email. This requirement met with resistance, because working long and hard and always being available was the norm.

The experiment gave a clear answer. A better south africa telegram data product was delivered to the client and the consultants experienced a much better work-life balance.

I really like my work and that is a pitfall. I often noticed that I was not so fresh in the evenings, which meant that writing did not yield such beautiful results. But hey, I could always do research, right?

I dug through one article and that led to another and I read some background information about that. And finally I closed my laptop very late. The next day I woke up feeling groggy and writing didn't go well that next morning either. Not very efficient, so I continued that evening.

Can you manage to not work at all in the evenings for a week? What will it bring you?


2. Also stand up
Sitting is the new smoking. It's unhealthy, but it's also unproductive! Alternate between standing and sitting at work, it makes you 46% more productive, according to research . So there it is, your promised 46%!

Choose a specific task, such as reading and answering your email, and do it standing. Standing meetings are also a good idea, as they save you 34% of your time, according to another study . It is useful to know that the quality of the decisions is the same.

Standing work.