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Creating a control form for sales visits

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 5:30 am
by Aklima@42
Sales work based on sales visits must be accompanied by daily and weekly controls based on the completion of a control form . Creating a form that is quick to fill out and easy to analyse is vital.

To create it, we must consider the factors by their importance, discarding redundant and unnecessary information that may take up salespeople's time and that does not provide useful data to the questionnaire. If possible, we should avoid open answers , using "checks" although reserving a space to complete the information with short sentences.

Factors to enter in the form
We will mainly be interested in knowing nursing homes email list the number of visits made per day and the duration of each one, as well as whether they have resulted in a sale. In short, the basic factors to consider will be:

Number of daily visits. It will be taken at the end of the day.
Number of clients visited , in some cases dividing by sector. Each client can be segmented by sector and after entering the data into a computer database, we will obtain statistics on the matter.
Whether the client is current or potential


Company name
Who has the salesperson contacted?
If there was an appointment
If a scheduled visit could not take place and the reason. For example: absence, scheduling problems, lack of interest, error in scheduling the visit, last-minute inconvenience on the part of the client or others, with space to complete.
Duration of visit
If it was the first visit that was made to the client
If the client followed any recommendations about the company
Reason for not placing an order (complaints, lack of interest, lack of need.