Image Metadata for Google Image Search

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Image Metadata for Google Image Search

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Adding Image XML Sitemap
You may have a sitemap for your content, but do you have a sitemap for your images? If not, you need to create one. You need to inform Google about your sitemap. Go to Google Search Console and kenya phone number library click “Crawl” in the left-hand sidebar. Then, select “Sitemaps” from the drop-down menu. Click “Add/Test Sitemap” on the right-hand side of the screen to add your sitemap URL.

Make Sure Your Image Doesn't Create Its Own HTML Page
Some content management systems create a separate HTML page when you upload an image. If this is the case on your system, disable this option. It is perfectly appropriate and necessary for a CMS to create a separate URL just for the image. However, it should not create a completely separate page for that image. This will hurt your optimization efforts.

There are three types of image metadata: technical, administrative, and descriptive. You don’t need to worry about the first two. However, you should use descriptive metadata when optimizing your images. Metadata is as simple as adding alt text, title, and alt title information.

If you’re using WordPress, you’ll see a description field in the sidebar on the right when editing an image. Make sure to add alt text, a title, and caption information to your images. Add some informative text in this field. Make sure the text includes your keyword.


What About CDNs?
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can give your site a performance boost. However, they can also work against you when it comes to image optimization. How? By changing the URLs of your images! This can lead to a 404 error and cause your site to lose rankings. Make sure to use 301 redirects when moving images.

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