Recognizable basic melody

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Recognizable basic melody

Post by arzina221 »

Consistency is key when developing a sound identity. Make sure that consumers hear the same, recognizable sound every time they come into contact with your brand, everywhere and at all times. For Mastercard, for example, this means that our sound will be heard in physical, digital and voice environments in the future. Whether that is the acceptance sound after completing a payment, the melody that can be heard when you ask your voice assistant something about our brand or the music in a commercial.

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Authenticity & creativity
It is important that the sound really fits your brand and your brand values. A sound identity gives brands personality. So be creative, but stay close to your brand. For example, Coca-Cola chose to play with the sounds of the customer experience: opening, pouring and drinking Coca-Cola . And Philips uses light bulbs for their melody. Of course, you don't come up with an identity like that yourself. For example, our sound architecture was composed in collaboration with various specialists, from large production studios to musicians such as Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park.

As a marketer, you naturally want to constantly innovate and surprise. Sound is the perfect tool for this, because you can vary endlessly. At the same time, the challenge lies in ensuring that the sound always remains recognizable and consistent. This is essential for building a brand identity. The melody must be simple, easy to remember and hum, and fit your brand.

Extensive testing is important. You can hong kong telegram data constantly change instruments, speed and duration of notes. As long as the melody remains essentially the same. In this way you can create a unique yet recognizable sound for every moment, every context and every campaign. For example, KLM developed an auditory identity of which variations can be heard in the commercials, the safety videos, during boarding and in the podcast The Journey.


Localizing your brand voice
By using the above rule of thumb, you can be recognizable yet innovative. In addition, you can also tailor the brand sound to a specific region or culture. The same basic melody should be localizable, so that your brand sound resonates in Europe, Africa and Asia. By working with musicians, artists and agencies all over the world, you can find a suitable sound for every culture. Based on the same basic melody, Mastercard developed different variations, for example for Dubai and Bogota .

Let us hear who you are
In short, a sonic identity is essential for brands where voice plays a role, now or in the future. With the right approach, you can really make a difference. The more seriously we take sonic branding, the better we can continue to appeal to consumers and give them a sense of recognition and trust. What does your brand sound like?
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