To unlock the magic of Frequency Separation, you need a little geekiness and follow my recipe below.
Step 1
With an image file open in Photoshop, duplicate the background layer by typing Cmd/Ctrl-J
Name this duplicate layer “Detail & Texture”, this will be the top layer in the layer stack, the high frequency layer, click on the visibility eyeball of this layer to temporarily turn off its visibility.
step 2
Rename the background layer to “Color & Tone”, this will be the low frequency layer.
Right click on the Color & tone layer and select “Convert to Smart Object”.
step 3
With the bottom Color & Tone layer denmark email list still selected, go to the Filter menu and select: Blur > Guassian Blur > Radius: 2.0 pixels (that's the amount I like to use). The result you're looking for is a radius that lightly blurs all the fine details.
step 4
Type Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-N to create a new blank layer above the bottom layer, name it “Color & Tone Retouch.”
step 5
Select the Detail & Texture layer (the top layer) and click on its visibility eyeball to turn on its visibility.