Have you always dreamed of starting a business, or have you been forced to start your own business to get off the unemployment list? Are you brave and do you believe in your project? Will you sell your business when it starts to go well and start another one, or do you plan to retire as the head of your company?
These and many other questions help define what kind telecommunications email list of entrepreneur you are. Choose from the answers below and you will discover what you are like and what you need to correct:
The idea on which you have created or are going to create your business
1. It's just one of the thousands you've had over the years.
2. You saw it in a magazine or on the street and found it interesting.
3. A friend suggested it to you and you decided to steal it from him.
Before facing the launch
1. You did a small market study and a business plan .
2. You started working on the fly, the consequences are seen in the results.
3. You looked on the Internet to copy ideas and start as soon as possible. Everything has already been invented.
Your sources of financing
1. If I have had to borrow, I have done so with loan contracts to do everything within the law.
2. It was difficult for me to get it because banks and investors did not have much faith in my project.
3. I have asked friends and family for help, and I hope to pay them back one day.