Imagine you go to a restaurant. Without showing you a menu, the waiter comes up to you and asks if you are ready to order. Without knowing what dishes are available, you can't do much. You could try asking and then choosing, but is it really worth it? The same thing happens on a website. If you have a “menu” that explains all the possibilities and allows you to decide on one or the other, you will end up leaving the site.
This is what landing pages are for. Each of your content offers, whether b2c cell phone number list ebooks, webinars or any other material, make up your “menu” of options. Landing pages, on the other hand, are the guide that will help your visitor decide which option is most interesting for them or which will be most beneficial to them. These pages are a door for your visitors to enter your sales cycle by converting them into leads through a form in which they leave their data in exchange for the offer.
But what other benefits can you get from using this tool?
1. Generate leads easily: Whatever your campaign or product, the goal will be to increase your number of leads and ultimately have more customers. In this sense, landing pages are so effective that, according to a study of more than 7,000 companies , pages that increase the number of landing pages from 10 to 15 see a 55% increase in their number of leads.
2. They are a place to publish all your offers: Marketing offers and landing pages go hand in hand. Without being hosted behind a landing page, those offers will not make any difference in lead generation. As in the restaurant example, without the menu and the explanation of each dish, the customer will not be able to decide which offer suits them best. The idea is that your landing pages require the user to “pay” to download your information by filling out their contact details and thus starting your sales process.
3. Obtain demographic information about your prospects: Every time a prospect fills out a form on one of your landing pages, your marketing department is obtaining valuable information. This information will not only help you better understand your target audience, but will also help your sales department know how to approach each of your prospects and thus facilitate the sale.