Open rates by sector in email marketing. Benchmark 2014

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Open rates by sector in email marketing. Benchmark 2014

Post by bitheerani44556 »

In this post we are echoing the most significant data that emerge from the recent benchmark that Experian Marketing Services has published with the results of Email Marketing in the French, German and Spanish markets.
In Spain the average rate of “ bounces ” is half that of France and slightly higher than that of Germany. Spanish professionals are doing well in terms of debugging and managing bounces. It should be noted that the chemical manufacturers email lists sectors where the user has a greater degree of involvement with respect to the management of commercial emails (fashion, distance selling, NGOs) are those in which the bounce rate is lower. On the contrary, in B2B the deficit that we have in Spain in terms of the quality of the databases continues to be evident.
As for the opener rates ( unique users who have opened the email / emails delivered), the Spanish average is two points lower than the French one. B2B, Banking/Insurance and Fashion stand out as the three sectors with the highest opener rates.
Source: Experian Marketing Services

If we look at reactivity , Spain and France have the same behavior, with fashion and retail being the sectors with the highest index.


Source: Experian Marketing Services

Considerations regarding metrics:
Openers: unique users who have opened at least one email in a campaign. The five factors that directly affect the opening behavior of an email are: the from (the sender ID), the subject, the time of sending (day and time), the user's previous experience with other emails received from the brand and finally the deliverability. A poor opening rate can be improved by identifying which of these factors affect these results and optimizing them.
Clickers: unique users who have made at least one click after opening an email in a campaign. The three key factors that influence the click rate are the offer, the relevance of the content in relation to the user's expectations and the number of clickable links.
Reactivity: Clickers per 100 openers. Reactivity is a metric that indicates the degree of interest in the content among our audience. The greater the degree of interaction between users and the content, the greater the reactivity.
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