Taking care of the interest groups

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Taking care of the interest groups

Post by pappu693 »

Determining who the stakeholders are This is one of the first steps that a company must take when planning its CSR strategy. For example, as Gemma Giner explains, depending on the idiosyncrasy and the sector of activity in which the company operates, it will determine which are its interest groups and also the priority of each one of them. Public Administrations, for example, are relevant for all companies, but they are more so for companies, such as UNION FENOSA, that carry out their activity in regulated sectors. “What it is about is establishing dialogue processes with the interest groups that have been determined as priorities in order to know the expectations and satisfy them in a balanced way. And this balance is needed because in many cases the expectations of the interest groups are not only not coincident with each other, but are opposed,” explains Gemma.

Once these steps have been taken, the CSR department vp communication officer email list sets in motion all the machinery that will give life to the plan that is based on a management system whose pillar is the code of conduct for employees. Through the CSR Committee, made up of the heads of the different departments that have a relationship with the interest groups, the policies and projects in this area are promoted”. Finally, we come to the area of ​​communication, certification and reporting, “once the projects are developed and results are obtained, the information and communication processes are triggered since it must be subordinated to CSR and not the other way around”.

Energy efficiency, the main pillar of CSR at UNIÓN FENOSA

“At UNIÓN FENOSA we believe that the first responsibility of a company is to help contribute to its product or service being used in the best possible way”. For this reason, the company has made energy efficiency the key point in its Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
As Gemma Giner explains, “energy, in addition to being an essential good, is a product that has a series of very important conditions. One of them is that which has to do with economic development. Almost 90% of the primary energy that our country needs to produce electricity is supplies that we do not have and that we have to import. On the other hand, our activity has environmental implications and it is necessary to avoid wasting energy. For all these reasons, at UNIÓN FENOSA we work to develop models that help our product to be used in a more rational way and thus reduce the problem.”


UNIÓN FENOSA works on energy efficiency from three perspectives: demand, supply and self-consumption.“Everything that is done at the Energy Efficiency Centre is aimed at helping demand to make responsible and rational use of energy.” Also from the demand point of view, a very active policy is carried out in terms of dissemination (campaigns, advice, consumer guides), alliances with all those institutions that may have interests consistent with the objectives of UNIÓN FENOSA, from energy agencies, consumer associations to sectors of intensive energy use. And also, everything that has to do with innovation and development of new technologies applied to achieve the same is a very important point of support.”
From the supply side, UNIÓN FENOSA has countless programs oriented towards this aspect, such as the latest investments made in combined cycle facilities and the sustainable coal program that the company is currently embarking on.
Lastly, and from the self-consumption side, both in energy facilities and in office buildings, the rational use of energy is promoted through systems such as presence detectors, efficient irrigation, etc.
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