How to qualify leads using telemarketing

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How to qualify leads using telemarketing

Post by badabunsebl11 »

Regulated by art. Of the privacy code. Article of the privacy code in fact provides . That "Violation of the provisions of article is punishable by an administrative sanction of payment . Of a sum from six thousand euros to thirty-six thousand euros" a sanction that will . Be much higher in the case of massive violations.The processing of data without consent is . Also particularly important see art. Of the privacy code and the references made to arts. . And of the same code.In these cases, the violation is punished with the payment of .

A sum ranging from ten thousand euros to one hundred and twent bulk sms vietnam thousand euros.In the . Event that the so-called “profiling” is carried out by “profiling” is meant the activity of . Collecting and processing data relating to users of services - public or private, requested or . Forced - to divide users into behavioral groups. In the commercial field, user profiling is . A tool of the so-called targeted marketing, which makes extensive use of these techniques to . Obtain accurate analyses of potential customers. Anyone intending to carry out “profiling” is required to .


Inform the privacy guarantor and obtain the relevant authorization, failure to notify the guarantor entails . Further sanctions. Art. Privacy code: “anyone who, being required to do so, does not promptly . Provide notification pursuant to articles and , or indicates incomplete information in it, shall be . Punished with the administrative sanction of the payment of a sum from twenty thousand euros . To one hundred and twenty thousand euros”. Even sporadic violations are not exempt from sanctions; . In fact, even illicit conduct carried out against a single user is sanctioned see art.
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