If you're looking to rank in the SERPs, one of the worst things you can do is try to trick Google with thin content. Avoiding this poor and subpar content should be a priority, so analyze your blog and if any of your material falls into this negative circle, it's best to remove it and replace it with quality pieces.
Google seeks to position results that match users' search intent , so if your main mission is to be on the first page of the search engine , you must convince it that you really answer people's questions and provide them with valuable content.
And you can only achieve this if you are willing to write correctly and extensively about the topic you are looking to rank for, because if you have thin content, it is very possible that your content will not be displayed as the best result in the search engine .
But what is this content about and how does it negatively armenia email list 105644 contact leads affect your search rankings? Find out these answers and more by reading this article until the end!
What is thin content?
Thin content is the content of a website that does not provide any value to the reader . In short, it is one of the actions that is the opposite of SEO strategies.
Google measures the qualities of the text according to the published content, links and structure, and if it finds something wrong and unethical, it flags it as "thin content".
However, it is important to mention that short content is not necessarily thin content . That is, if your content is 200 words long and, according to Google's algorithms, meets the reader's expectations, it will be valid, but its probability of ranking will be much lower than that of a longer content.
Types of thin content
There are several patterns that allow us to identify and classify "thin content." These are:
Duplicate or stolen content
If a content does not provide different or relevant information to that provided by your competitors, it will not be recognized by Google and, in most cases, you will be penalized by search engines .
But this is not the only duplicate content that Google considers, it also includes:
Those that are copied and rewritten with slight adaptations.
Those translated from another language and included directly on your website, without a link to the original post to reference it.
Content lacking depth or usefulness
It's one thing to talk about a product review in a 200-word piece of content, and another thing to write an article whose keyword is " content marketing " and whose length is the same.
In the second case, Google will perceive that the content is scarce and that it barely scratches the surface of the important topic.