Exceptions under the Copyright Act

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Exceptions under the Copyright Act

Post by arzina544 »

Now, Instagram doesn’t specifically license others to use your content, but of course there are a lot of built-in features that allow content to be shared. The fact that these features exist is an implicit license to use the content in that way. For example:

Share posts in a DM or in your Stories
Share stories you're tagged in in Stories
Embed posts, for example on your website
Share links to posts
Share answers to question stickers anonymously in a Story
This means that if it is technically not possible within Instagram, then it is not allowed by Instagram. It is that simple!

So you can't just share someone else's post on your own timeline. That's not possible with a function of Instagram itself. You need an external app for that or you have to take a screenshot. The same applies to taking a screenshot of a Story that you want to share again as a post or Story.

In addition to the possibilities that Instagram canada telegram data offers, we also have possibilities from the Copyright Act, which Instagram has not closed.

You may quote content from inside or outside of Instagram:

If the content is already lawfully public
You use it for an announcement, review, polemic, scholarly treatise or similar purpose
You do not use it more or differently than is socially acceptable and necessary for the purpose to be achieved
You provide name and source references
You respect other personal rights
Explanation of the right to quote, I could fill a whole separate article about that. What you should especially remember about this, is that sharing something for inspiration, usually cannot be done as a quote. Merely mentioning the name is not enough. The quote must always support the goal, so an image may not be more important than the message.


Another possibility is the parody. Often a meme is also a parody. Of course it is important that you have made it yourself. You use someone else's work for the parody, but because of your additions that make it a parody or meme, you no longer need permission according to copyright. Even attribution is not necessary. Of course, the parody or meme itself is also subject to copyright, so sharing it is in principle an infringement and is therefore not allowed.
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