From leads to customers

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From leads to customers

Post by pappu824 »

Sometimes we tend to make the mistake of thinking that perhaps the user who visits our website or landing page will convert at the first moment, with the first action. Often, we believe that with a single action, whether through email marketing, social media or other content, we will achieve the conversion.

However, today this is much more complex. According to Marketingsherpa, 73% of leads do not convert on the first visit to the website.

What are the mistakes that are made when creating an email marketing strategy? Why does the conversion not occur on the first action? And what should we take into account beyond that first action? As you rightly mention, it is like that.

Why don't leads convert on the first action?
The first time people visit your website, they are unlikely mexico telegram data to make a purchase, especially if they don't know you. It's a matter of trust, it's a bit like flirting: you see a person and no matter how attractive or intelligent they are, it's hard for love at first sight to suddenly arise.

So, it's clear that it's about building trust so that a person takes action. That relationship of trust with people is what leads to a purchase. That's where lead nurturing strategies come into play.

Lead nurturing is a strategy that serves to take potential customers through the different phases of the purchase funnel, so that they get to know your brand, trust you, and decide that you're the right choice for them. To start this lead nurturing

process with people who visit your website, you need that person to fill out a contact form, download some element from your website, etc., to obtain their data and, little by little, nurture them through small marketing campaigns. It is important to promote your company so that you can finally reach the bottom of the funnel and convert them into customers. It is about generating various impacts so that in the end there is a process in which that potential customer matures.


These impacts should be like little pills: one day I contact you because I want you to know something new, another day I contact you to see if I can help you with something, and another day I contact you to thank you for something.

What are good practices for converting leads into customers with email marketing?
There are many interactions in the customer journey, from when they first enter your website and get to know you until they finally make a purchase.

For example, in email marketing we send the welcome email, the thank you for signing up, and then we send endless emails with information about specific products based on the preferences that the contact has selected. With email marketing alone, we already have numerous possibilities to build a complete funnel, although we will obviously need to rely on other channels.

So, for me, there are several key things to make all this email marketing work and develop an effective strategy.
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