8 steps to create quality content for e-commerce

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8 steps to create quality content for e-commerce

Post by ayshakhatun663 »

Do you want to create quality content for your e-commerce and don't know how? Learn the best tips to achieve this in this article.

Table of contents
E -commerce is a system that has become bc data philippines package popular due to the digital transformation that is taking place around the world. Its main objective is to establish a process of buying and selling products or services that uses the Internet as the main means of exchange.

It is common for every online store to have content that provides value to users, in addition to finding products to buy. For example, recommendations for making purchases, advice on how to do better business , among other types of content.

As there are so many e-commerce sites nowadays, it is difficult to position your website. However, to help you in this process, it is essential that you define a content strategy for your e-commerce that will guide your user through a successful customer journey .


Establishing a content strategy for your e-commerce is very important for several reasons: you get traffic, you resolve users' doubts in their purchasing process and you establish the loyalty process.

Female customer shopping in an e-commerce

What are the advantages of e-commerce?
Having an online store can represent many benefits for you and your business. Because it is a digital platform, you will have no problem selling in a country other than your own and having a greater commercial range , as well as a greater reach of your audience. Your products can be purchased from anywhere and at any time.

It also allows you to reduce costs , since a virtual store does not require paying rent for a location or investing in maintenance. You can start your online store quickly, because you do not need a large initial investment . Likewise, it guarantees you freedom in your work schedule, since being your own boss, you can manage your time.

Un e-commerce te proporciona mayores facilidades para la entrega de tus productos. Podrás encontrar numerosas empresas de logística que ofrecen el servicio de entrega a domicilio.

Por último, el comercio electrónico permite la personalización de la atención. Al tener mayor información de tus clientes, podrás personalizar la experiencia de compra.

Happy young woman making a purchase from her cell phone

Consejos para crear una tienda online
Aunque puede parecer un proceso complejo, seguir un paso a paso efectivo te guiará hacia el éxito de tu e-commerce. A continuación, conoce cómo crear tu propia tienda electrónica.

Define tus objetivos. ¿Qué quieres lograr con tu e-commerce? Eso trazará el camino y las acciones a seguir.
Piensa en un nombre y sé creativo. El nombre debería ir en el dominio de tu tienda online. Procura que sea fácil de recordar y de escribir.
Busca buenas opciones de hosting. Tu página debe estar alojada en un servidor. Hay diferentes empresas que prestan el servicio. Busca la que mejor se adecúe a tus necesidades y que te ofrezca garantía y calidad.
Establece un método de entrega. ¿Cómo entregarás tus productos a los usuarios? ¿Utilizarás un servicio de delivery tercerizado? Debes evaluar esto antes de lanzar la web.
Recuerda añadir los métodos de pago. La mejor recomendación es que puedas ofrecer varias alternativas a tus clientes.
Cuida la velocidad de carga. Si un usuario ingresa a tu página y no tiene respuesta en menos de 3 segundos, es probable que la abandone.
Revisa la disponibilidad de tu web. Tu página debe estar disponible las 24 horas de los 365 días del año. Actualízala de manera constante, y no te olvides de incorporar una sección de blog.

Genera contenidos de calidad
Definir los objetivos que quieres lograr con tu estrategia de marketing de contenidos es lo que puede asegurar que tengas éxito en el crecimiento de tu plataforma. Piensa en las necesidades de los usuarios. ¿Qué información están necesitando? ¿De qué están hablando? ¿Cómo puedes ayudarlos?

Una vez identifiques las necesidades, puedes establecer un objetivo para tu contenido. ¿Quieres atraer usuarios? ¿Optimizar tu sitio web con SEO? ¿Resolver dudas?

En esta ocasión, vamos a enfocarnos en cómo crear un contenido de calidad y optimizado para tu tienda online.

1. Toma en cuenta el buyer journey
Every piece of content should solve a need for your target audience at every stage of the buyer journey : discovery, consideration, and decision. Mapping content to your customer’s buying journey is an important tactic to incorporate into your content strategy.

Remember: not all users are ready for a purchasing conversation or constant online impacts to acquire a product. They must be educated and convinced in the process.

Buyer Journey Impulse

2. Address frequently asked questions
A first step to start generating content is to answer your audience's frequently asked questions and doubts . What is the purpose of a particular service offered? What can the user do with a product you sell in your store? This will help your customers approach you and obtain valuable information.

3. Create product sheets
Provide resources on how to use, assemble, or fix your products. Offer detailed descriptions of their key features and attributes. Creating content for your customers that can provide valuable information is a great way to build trust.

product sheet of an ecommerce

4. Incorporate reviews and ratings
Users generally trust the opinions of others. Therefore, it is advisable to include the comments of those who have already made a purchase in your online store.

5. Include photos and videos
Present high-quality, eye-catching graphics and audiovisual material. Product images are a key factor, as they are the first thing your customers will see. Demonstration videos will also help users decide to purchase.

6. Optimize your content with SEO
Include SEO criteria to position your content : with this strategy, users will easily find you in search engines. Include optimized titles, meta descriptions, calls to action and keywords related to your buyer persona 's pain points . This will help you achieve better positioning on Google.

7. Promote your content on social media
Content promotion is just as important as content creation. Use social media to spread the word about your e-commerce content. You can also set up paid ads on sites like Facebook. If you're going to advertise, make sure you choose the channel that best matches your target audience.

8. Measure the results
It's the best way to understand how effective your content strategy is. You need to know how often your content is shared, how many people viewed it, where your website traffic is coming from, and how you compare to your competition.

The best platform for e-commerce
At Impulse, we combine HubSpot technologies with your e-commerce so you can generate more revenue. HubSpot allows you to integrate e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, and VTEX to offer personalized experiences to your consumers. With its intuitive interface, you can use tools such as CTAs, forms, landing pages, etc., to help you convert your website visitors into customers faster.

With HubSpot, you can manage all your content in one place, personalize it for each visitor, visualize buyer engagement , and learn from data. This way, you can offer a better user experience while increasing conversion rates.
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