Help! 50 Trends to Survive the Future of Digital Marketing

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Help! 50 Trends to Survive the Future of Digital Marketing

Post by ayshakhatun663 »

→ Discover the 50 trends that will define the future of digital marketing and make sure you are one step ahead of your competition. CLICK NOW!

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The pandemic suddenly and forever home owner database package altered all industries, but when it comes to the technology and marketing sectors , it was not just a change but the most ferocious transformation.

Join me and discover how to stay ahead of the trends that will define the future of digital marketing in this decade! (I'm saving the best for last.) Also, join our advanced marketing, CRM, and sales webinar events here.


First things first: Do you know how to handle change?

Reactive Marketer: Sales are down and you have no idea why.
Classic Marketer: Prepared for when sales drop.
Agile marketer: Knows how to keep sales growing.

When a buffalo sees a storm on the horizon, he wastes no time and heads against the storm, while the cows, obviously, run away. The buffalo runs into the storm, but since he and the storm are going in opposite directions, he quickly escapes the bad weather.

image that metaphorically represents the future digital marketing trends 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2040 2050 2020,

Are you a professional who faces challenges or are you just prolonging the storm? Keep reading and I'll share with you the keys to making your marketing strategy the board you ride into the future.

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Trends that will decide your future in digital marketing

Before you dive into the definitive guide to marketing trends, we want you to always keep in mind that the future of digital marketing involves implementing new and better systems to help your users and build loyalty by creating relevant experiences.

With this in mind, it's time to discover the digital marketing trends that will put you ahead of your competition:

1. SEO: Sorry, there's only room for the best

Doing SEO means appearing first on Google, YouTube or any other search engine, but since these neural networks are entities that evolve every week (yes, every week), the first positions are destined only for those who do intelligent work in the medium and long term.

El trabajo de un SEO es sentir el mercado y definir cuál es el contenido o producto que el cliente necesita. Todo esto basado en datos y realizando el seguimiento que haga falta hasta lograr las primeras posiciones.

SEO analysis of the competition why and how to do it

Olvídate de hacer un artículo o video pensando en ti y no en tu cliente. La calidad de tu trabajo, el conocer de UX (experiencia de usuario) y saber cómo ser relevante en las voice searches (búsquedas por voz) definirán tu futuro.

2. IA: La joya de la corona cyberpunk

En un mundo post COVID-19 en el que las empresas tecnológicas son las únicas que crecen de manera frenética, la revista Wired escribió lo siguiente hace pocos meses: "GPT-3 está provocando escalofríos por Silicon Valley ".

Tómate un momento antes de seguir.

¿Qué es GPT-3? ¿Cómo está eso de que Google, Apple, Facebook y compañía tienen escalofríos a causa de esa tal GPT-3?


GPT-3, una red neuronal que redacta textos originales mejor que los seres humanos. Es tan solo uno de los avances en inteligencia artificial que ya son una realidad, aunque todos pensábamos que no ocurrirían hasta dentro de 10 o 20 años.

¿Cuántas personas van a ser afectadas por esta tecnología que crea contenido por sí misma? ¿Sabías que resuelve preguntas técnicas que un ingeniero altamente cualificado no sabe responder? ¿Cómo se supone que debemos prepararnos para afrontar esto?

Sinceramente, cualquiera que te diga que tiene una respuesta más allá del áspero "adaptarse o morir" de Darwin, te está vendiendo humo. Lamento tener que decirte que a día de hoy, NADIE tiene una solución a cómo manejaremos como sociedad los avances de la IA.

Con todo lo dicho, ¿notaste que solo he mencionado una tecnología de IA? ¿Qué hay de todas las demás redes neuronales que se están perfeccionando en EEUU, Europa y Asia mientras lees estas líneas?, recuerda que planean desembarcar en nuestras vidas durante los próximos meses y años.

Pero tranquilo, antes de lanzarte por la ventana del primer piso, respira hondo y ten en cuenta que, literalmente, todo el mundo tiene las mismas dudas que tú. Lo mejor que puedes hacer es estar atento para actuar en cuanto veas una oportunidad. 9 de cada 10 personas ni siquiera harán eso.

3. Growth Hacking: Marketing a lo Silicon Valley

Un growth hacker es el sprinter del marketing, su trabajo es crear, implementar y perfeccionar técnicas de crecimiento acelerado a bajo coste durante cortos espacios de tiempo con el objetivo de crecer en un mercado sin importar si este es nuevo o ya está maduro.

Al nacer en el Valle del Silicio, los growth hacks son el uso del ingenio para encontrar nuevas maneras de hacer las cosas, por lo que si bien hay muchas técnicas y estrategias de growth marketing, se trata principalmente de una mentalidad enfocada en el crecimiento constante.

Growth is the only way to optimize conversion in ecommerce

Para que dejar clara la importancia del growth marketing en el porvenir del marketing, debes tener en cuenta que esta disciplina de promoción digital es el secreto detrás del veloz crecimiento y consolidación de compañías tan relevantes y disruptivas como Netflix, Spotify, Airbnb, Uber o WhatsApp.

4. Automatización: Los bots trabajan 24/7, ¿tú?

El desarrollo del marketing automation se puede poner tan complejo o simple como quieras. Desde la minería de datos, pasando por los CRMs todo en uno, hasta llegar a los bots y APIs más avanzados, los próximos 5 años serán una montaña rusa que no hará más que subir.

Si eres un marketer independiente, seguramente le debas ir echando un ojo al tema de aprender programación para saber consumir APIs y hacer publicidad programática avanzada.

User using a chatbot on his cell phone

Si tienes una pequeña agencia de marketing, considera tener un equipo de desarrolladores que se dediquen a integrar programas de terceros para automatizar trabajo. Y si eres dueño de una gran agencia, debes tener claro que desarrollar tu propio software podría ser tu principal factor de diferenciación.

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5. Customer Experience: La experiencia del cliente te salvará o te acabará

Mientras que muchos profesionales que hacen marketing a través de la red olvidan que tener usuarios fieles es lo más importante en cualquier empresa, el CX nos recuerda que es 5 veces más barato venderle a un cliente que ya compró que venderle a uno nuevo.

Este dato te permite comprender por qué cuando una empresa envía un buen email de promoción a sus usuarios obtiene resultados tan efectivos en comparación a los esfuerzos que debe hacer para conseguir nuevos clientes en redes sociales o en motores de búsqueda.

Customer retention strategies through technology and automation

El customer experience o CE es una disciplina integral que abarca todos los esfuerzos de una empresa u organización para crear un poderoso vínculo con el usuario. Si consideras que esto es opcional te invito a que pienses en ti, ¿acaso tus empresas favoritas no son customer centric?

6. Neuromarketing: El matrimonio entre marketing y ciencia

"Antes, vender era una técnica. Hoy, es una ciencia." Con esta contundente frase, Jürgen Klarić, uno de los mercadólogos más influyentes de la última década, deja claro que el marketing dejó hace tiempo de ser una ruleta rusa y pasó a ser un procedimiento riguroso y preciso.

If terms like symbolic value, behavioral neuroscience or neuroscience applied to marketing sound like Chinese to you, it is probably already too late for you to start studying neuromarketing and start applying scientifically tested techniques to transform your way of marketing and selling.

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7. Omnichannel Marketing: Merging online and offline marketing

Omnichannel marketing is a company's ability to promote its products or services in a coordinated manner across all the channels in which it participates and create 360-degree experiences.

Multichannel marketing is included in this elaborate list of current marketing trends because it doesn't matter if your customer is on the web, in e-commerce or in a physical store, the modern user demands that every brand they trust is consistent, functional and close.

3 Omnichannel Marketing future of digital marketing new marketing trends-jpg

Thus, omnichannel marketing in the future will allow you to get to know your users in depth and systematically synchronize your online marketing and traditional marketing strategies.

8. Personal Brand: Learn to tell your story

Having a personal brand will be the difference between the most resounding success or the most resounding failure, for all modern marketing professionals who want to sell themselves online and be relevant in the sector in which they operate.

And the task is no longer as easy as it was years ago when being known was enough. Now, a person with a personal brand is a leader who is not only known by many people, but is also respected for having a solid proposal and contributing fresh ideas to the community to which he belongs.

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So tell me, what is your personal brand?

9. Marketing Analytics: What is not measured cannot be improved

Marketing analytics has been important since the beginning of internet marketing, but in recent years it has moved from the “important” to the “must-have” category.

It is the branch of Internet marketing that is responsible for analyzing the performance of everything we do and defining which activities give us the greatest return on investment (ROI).

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When any market matures, as is the case with Internet marketing, only those companies or agencies that have the tools and know-how to measure what they do and use that information to enhance their weaknesses, take advantage of their strengths and constantly innovate do well.

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10. Face Marketing: Let's face the future

Digital marketing trends make it clear that people are saturated with logos, brands and companies. Clear proof of this is that YouTubers, bloggers, Instagrammers, etc., are the ones who take up a large part of the internet traffic, investing a fraction of the money spent by companies .

No matter what industry you belong to, placing a recognizable human being who knows how to connect with your clients as a symbol of your company will always sell much more than a random advertising spot due to unavoidable biological principles such as mirror neurons.

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Many people like to talk about their company or venture, but not about themselves, because they do not understand that a company does not connect with people in the same way as another person.

Stand out, don't let your ego get the better of you and remember that a face is worth a thousand words!

11. Coolness Factor: Your job is to seduce

Being cool, having a cool logo, doing cool things, having a cool website and social media is no longer optional for people and companies that want to run an effective marketing campaign.

As Tricia Daniels explains in her book on marketing strategies of the future: The Coolness Factor.

She explains that there is too much to choose from in the market, and often for free!, to choose something ugly, boring or dull. And she also clarifies that this applies to all ages.

coolness factor marketing, marketing trends 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2030 2020,

The best example of the Coolness Factor is given by the biggest brand in the world: Apple, which does not hesitate to remove your battery in order to make your iPhone hyper-thin or to develop extremely expensive miniaturization technologies to take minimalism to the extreme in its AirPods and Apple Watches.

12. Social Networks: Video, microinfluencers and marketplaces

What do you think will be the future of digital marketing on social networks ? Do you think there is still room for innovation or has everything already been invented?

To answer these important questions, let's diagnose and discuss the most promising trends in these vibrant digital platforms.

Today, the reality of social media can be summed up in three points:

social media trends in 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2030 2020,

Paid visibility is virtually the only way for businesses to achieve meaningful reach.
Customer segmentation to personalize the message we deliver is ridiculously effective.
All social networks want to be all-in-one media to retain their users for as long as possible. Creating mass addicts is not a limit for Zuckerberg.

Armed with these conclusions from the current reality of the sector, let's look at three interesting keys to the future of marketing on social networks :

Creating videos that are high-quality gems is essential to staying relevant.
Taking advantage of the effectiveness of micro-influencers can boost the ROI of your marketing campaigns in the future, as they are an effective bet that requires low investment.
Knowing how to take advantage of the new tools of the marketplaces embedded in Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc., will be decisive to ensure that sales continue to grow.
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