Many digital marketing strategies can be easily measured. Either your emails are being opened regularly, or your readers are following you back. Either your posts are ranking higher due to keyword selection, or they are disappearing from the platform. How your strategy plays out may surprise you, but at least now you know where to invest more.
On the other hand, social media presence is extremely difficult to measure. Getting belgium whatsapp data more likes on Facebook does not necessarily translate to more sales or even clicks back to your page.
So how can we analyze progress on social media?
Reach: You always want your message to reach your target audience so boosting your reach is a good sign that you are on the right track.
Clicks: Many people like or comment on a post but never click through to your page. So tracking clicks is even more important than likes and shares.
Responding with emotions: On Facebook, it’s easy to know exactly how customers are feeling through clicks on the “angry” or “wow” emotions….. On other platforms, the ratio between comments and shares is very useful for evaluation. If a post has a lot of comments but only a few shares, it seems like bad news for your strategy.
Review all strategies that work against your goals
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