Communicate less but better

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Communicate less but better

Post by simarahman5835 »

In addition to your specialization in eco-design of websites, I know that you do a bit of communication. And that your vision is a bit similar to mine: less but better. So, I have a slightly touchy question: what is your point of view on “classic” communication?

I find that communication is in complete dissonance. We communicate by trying to advance a subject while perpetuating archaic methods. Basically, we communicate about moving forward, doing the best we can while not changing anything. It's paradoxical.

So for you, what is good communication?

For me, it's actions rather than words. You do, you act and then you talk about it. Not the other way around. In our ecological context, we need coherent and perhaps radical actions.

Thanks for your point of view Mathieu! Come on, last question of this interview, how do you communicate about your work?

To be completely transparent with you, I have a lot of trouble cambodia whatsapp number data communicating about myself. I manage to create content for others very well, but for me, it's complicated. I have my website that presents my approach and my offers as well as a LinkedIn company page . And that's it, because I try to be as little connected as possible.I had a real ecological awakening about three years ago. I quickly realized that my job was not at all in line with my ethical and ecological values. But what to do?


Then, I met Simon who created Translucide ( before being a collective, it is a CMS dedicated to eco-design ). We talked a lot about what an eco-designed site was and what the approach consisted of. It clicked! It was the perfect compromise between my professional skills and my personal values. I had just found a balance point, a way of doing things that made sense to me. So, I got started too.

I try to do my part by limiting the environmental footprint in my job.

That’s what I’m trying to do too. And we still have a long way to go! Before creating a website, what are the steps? How do you work with your clients?
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