One key content per phase.

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One key content per phase.

Post by subornaakter40 »

Finally, content will also help you separate those prospects who have a genuine interest in starting a sales process from those who don't. A great technique is to make use of task assignments for those prospects who you doubt are really ready.

For example: you share a guide with the prospect and explain that it will be very useful to better understand their alternatives. A week has passed and they haven't read it? There's no point in continuing to spend your time on it.

How to include content in your sales process
Based on the same phases as your sales process, you can predict which pieces of content would be most valuable to share with the prospect based on the phase they are in, in order to progressively increase their chances of purchasing.

Obviously we are talking about commercial processes that generally take at least a couple of weeks, which is when it makes sense to talk about an opportunity maturation process.

Practical example of the phases of a commercial process and the content: let's imagine the case of a construction company specialized in Steel Framing with a pipeline divided into 4 phases:

1st Exploratory Meeting - "everything paraguay telegram data you need to know about Steel Framing".

2nd Formal Needs Analysis Meeting - "Guide to designing your spaces according to your lifestyle."

3° Project Quote - "What is the capital recovery period in a real estate investment"

4° Negotiation and closing - "Learn about Santiago's case: an example and its success story with its first Steel Framing property."

Now let's consider the most important aspects of this example:

The level of content specificity increases as the prospect moves through the funnel.
The content answers your main questions according to your stage.
Each piece of content is designed to reduce friction between steps.
The seller would be the one to deliver the content pieces via email, WhatsApp or the most convenient means, as the case may be.
If you still have doubts about how to create your content strategy, we recommend seeking professional advice so that you can take your first steps safely and create a solid strategy that will produce significant results in the medium and long term.
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