Man Crying with Manager Behind Meme - humorous depiction of struggling to make a call while working in a call center 17. Boss Call Template Boss called an employee during the holidays to congratulate israel mobile phone numbers database him on having a baby, but the employee didn't answer the phone, thinking He started working again. Man on the phone looks concerned meme - humorous depiction of a boss calling his employees during the holidays 18. Missed Calls from Dad Template Because I missed 18 of his calls in a row at an evening party with my dad standing behind me Suppress me in every possible way.

Humorous depiction of a father looking angry after missing his 18th call at a party with friends 19. Drowning Phone The image below illustrates that people prefer to use smart watches for calls compared to mobile phones and phones . drowning call.webp 20. Interpreting a phone call with confidence The picture here shows how a person explains his confidence when calling someone special and talking to her. Ancient Alien Guy Meme - Humorous depiction of confidently explaining how a phone call with someone goes".