Next come the general settings of your campaign. Here you can give your campaign a name, select the location and languages, set your bidding strategy and define the budget and period of your campaign.
Once you have finally customized your ad group and set it up correctly, you can insert your desired ad video. Once you have customized your ad and ad copy, you can publish it.
Step 3: Set conversion action and provide details (Google Ads)
After you have created your video ad for YouTube, the next step is to set up conversions for your YouTube ads. To do this, go to “Create” in the top left and select “Conversion Action”. You can hong kong whatsapp phone number then choose between the different types of conversions.
Since most of the conversions we deal with in Google Ads happen on a landing page, we will select “Website” as the conversion type for further explanation.
You will then be asked to enter your website domain. We have entered our domain here as an example ( note: a website domain is always specified without www. ).
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After entering your website domain, you can either have your desired conversions set up automatically in the “Create conversion actions from website events” section, or you can set them up manually in the “Manually create conversion actions using code” section below.
Since the latter is possible on every website, we set up the conversions manually. To do this, we click on “Add conversion action manually”.
Next, we need to provide some details about our conversion. First, we select the category of our goal . As an example, we have specified a conversion for a submitted contact form. Our goal is therefore “Submit lead form”. We recommend that you select the most appropriate category here, as this will ensure the best optimization of your ads.
We then need to specify a conversion name and a conversion value . Submitting a lead form does not have a directly measurable value in itself, but we should still specify a value here. We recommend simply specifying a fictitious euro amount that roughly corresponds to what a new customer inquiry is worth to you. In the case of purchases in an online shop, the conversion value should automatically be filled with the order value.
The counting method basically distinguishes between two types of conversions. Either a conversion brings us something again and again (e.g. purchases in the shop) or a conversion only has added value for us the first time (e.g. registrations for our newsletter). You can simply leave the remaining settings as standard. Now press Save to save your conversion action.
Step 4: Add a conversion tracking tag to the website
Finally, we need to determine when a conversion action should be carried out. To do this, we need to set a trigger in the Google Tag Manager. Here we select “Use Google Tag Manager” in the top right, which we already set up in step 1. You will now receive a conversion ID and a conversion label, which we will need in the further course of the setup.
Great, your video ad on YouTube is created, let's move on!
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