When people think about product messaging, they usually start with the features and benefits the product provides. While those things do need to be defined, they should not be where you start developing your product messaging from.
Instead, your product messaging should lead with the intangible value your product provides to consumers. How does your product or service improve their life? Focus on how your product impacts their experience rather than the specific functions it offers. Features and benefits can contribute to that value, but they are not the overall value of your product.
Vidyard exemplifies how to lead with their core value before vnpay database diving into product specifics on their about page, saying:
“Video is changing the way businesses connect and communicate in an increasingly digital world. From marketing, sales and customer service to employee training and corporate communications, video is helping businesses of all sizes humanize communications and personalize customer experiences.
Vidyard is the video platform that helps businesses transform communications and drive more revenue through the strategic use of online video. Going beyond video hosting and management, we help businesses connect with more viewers through interactive and personalized video experiences, learn powerful insights on their viewing audience, turn insights into action with enterprise integrations, and prove the impact of their video programs.”
In the first paragraph, they establish the value of their product, which is humanizing communications and personalizing customer experiences. Then they dive into the features and benefits of their product at a high level.
1. Understand the Core Value of Your Product
The core value of your product is the sum of all the benefits your product provides. It’s more than just the tactical solution your product can accomplish — it’s what that tactical solution is building toward in terms of overall goal attainment.
Your product’s core value should be concise, comprehensible, not jargony and easy to connect with.