Seasonal discounts on a popup

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Seasonal discounts on a popup

Post by Shakil1984 »

That means you always need to have a reason. Whether it’s the end of summer, you’re passing on some savings on your supplies, or it’s your dog’s birthday… always be sure to announce WHY you’re discounting.

Discount pricing example on a popup
2. Have a deadline
Deadlines help increase the persuasiveness of your discount offer by increasing urgency and Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). Adding a countdown timer can motivate shoppers to make a decision sooner (even immediately).

Another version of this same principle is tying the end of your discounts to seasonal events like Black Friday and Christmas.

The popup below promotes a giveaway that ends on Halloween.

Extra-short duration discounts are all about scarcity and the ticking clock.

They’re effective at generating short-term wins with metrics like increased traffic, conversion rates, and revenue.

You can also use extra-short duration france email list discounts to stop cart abandoners. The popup below even has a countdown timer, which is a great example of a limited-time offer.

Limited-time discount on a popup
3. Fixed amount vs percentage
The rule of 100 states that buyers respond better to percentage discounts (e.g. “20% off”) for items under $100, and they prefer seeing absolute values (e.g. “Save $20”) when items are over $100.

So the price points of your products and average cart value will tell you whether to offer percentage discounts or absolute value discounts.
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