Web extensions, do you know what they are for?

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Web extensions, do you know what they are for?

Post by Bappy9 »

Do you have that perfect domain name in mind, but it turns out it's already taken by someone else? Web extensions are the solution you need.

You try to remove vowels or add letters and it doesn't work: you've lost the meaning of your business. Don't worry, now there are web extensions. Find out how they can work for you.

Web extensions
Web extensions or generic top-level domains, those letters that you will find after the dot, are for sale and with them you can considerably increase the possibility of finding the perfect domain name for your business.

You're probably wondering if these extensions can help you improve your site name to give your business an extra boost. The answer is yes.

You may have considered tudiario.com , but if that name is already registered, you could opt for tudiario.press . With an alternative like this, you will improve the appearance of your domain and stand out in internet searches.

As you can see, the only thing that changed was the web or domain extension, palestine business email list the letters after the dot. However, in the example above, we are dealing with a newspaper business, so the . press extension reinforces and enhances the appearance of your domain.

With this type of web extension you will have a greater chance of not losing that domain name you want. If you are a company dedicated to technological development, you could opt for the .tech extension ; if your business is in the food industry, you could prefer .food .


The options are endless and it's just a matter of thinking about which web extension can be useful for you to buy those final letters. Even if you want to belong to a generic domain, there are some good options such as .site or .online . Creativity is your limit.

Cost of a web extension
As for price, some three-letter domains, such as .com , which isn't even a word, can cost thousands of dollars. However, you can purchase new web extensions for considerably less.

Many people who use the Internet have started using them in their searches, although the truth is that .com is still the best tool on the Internet today.

However, like everything, it is just a matter of users starting to get used to it and they are undoubtedly a great opportunity for your business, regardless of the sector in which you operate.

It doesn't matter if you are an entrepreneur, as there are many cases of companies that already use .tech very successfully. With a good domain name and this web extension, they have made great fortunes by selling services or products from the Internet of Things. These are beginning to be widely recognized in the industry.

You should know that search engines like Google or Yahoo! do not penalize new web or domain extensions, to the point that they ensure that their systems treat everyone equally, without predisposing some to go over others in searches, which can give you more confidence if you are not completely convinced about whether it is the best option for your business.

You may remember Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, who has made use of a web extension for his website www.smartcatch.fish, a business in which he trains chefs and other restaurant staff and, in addition to teaching cooking, speaks about environmental compliance standards. His company is now considered one of the most successful in recent years in the digital age.

Don't hesitate, web extensions are for you and can help you stand out from your competition. Many organizations, artists, celebrities and even influencers are using these digital tools to create personal blogs, which at the end of the day can be marketed.

Although new extensions are still just beginning to make their incursions on the Internet, demand is beginning to grow, so you are in time to make a good choice and not wait for a domain name to become available before fully entering into the creation of a website that will put you in the Internet's shop window.

Fun fact
Many cities have begun registering their own domain extensions to identify themselves in online searches. For example, if you search for an address in New York today, you might find .nyc .

The same is happening with .berlin , .barcelona , .london and even .cdmx , which can later be used as a geolocation term for businesses. This is a great opportunity to create special websites or pages for marketing campaigns, which will show that you are more dedicated in your approach.

There is no doubt that these web extensions have started to make a good impact on a diverse variety of industries, so it is important that you do not get left out.
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