Advantages of online management services for self-employed workers

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Advantages of online management services for self-employed workers

Post by Joyzfsdsro343 »

Becoming self-employed in Spain is not an easy task; you have to deal with state bureaucracy before, during and even when you finish your activity as a self-employed worker.

Being self-employed means being in constant contact with both Social Security and the Treasury to comply with legal obligations and to enjoy your rights. Every quarter you have to submit certain forms to the Treasury for both VAT and IRPF; if you have employees on your payroll, you will have to manage their payrolls on a monthly basis and also manage the different circumstances of each employee such as vacations, medical leave, leaves of absence, permits, etc.

All of these obligations require time and tax and labor knowledge. Having an advisor is essential to do things right and avoid problems with both the Treasury and Social Security.

Nowadays you can register as self-employed from the comfort of your home and employment database the same thing happens with the agencies. The traditional service has evolved and now online agencies are gaining more importance , representing a great advantage for the self-employed as they have lower prices, avoid travel and are of quality. This is the case, for example, with , an online agency that serves both self-employed and SMEs.

The main advantage over traditional consultancies is direct communication . Clients, in this case, self-employed workers, can contact the consultancy at any time and place without having to go in person.


Self-employed people can manage their accounting from the comfort of their own home . In addition, by having automated data, they can consult their data whenever they want, accessing the private areas created for each client, without having to make an appointment with the consultancy.

Another advantage of this type of consultancy is that they provide you with an invoicing program . Therefore, the self-employed person does not have to pay for a subscription to such a program or waste time making invoices by hand.

The price issue is also an advantage compared to traditional management companies. Digitalisation means that advisors can do their work more easily and quickly, which means that their rates are lower and more competitive.
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