More HTTPS tips from Google: HSTS and Common Questions

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More HTTPS tips from Google: HSTS and Common Questions

Post by ahbappy250 »

If you are not an SEO expert, it can be difficult to understand the intricate details behind choosing a secure or insecure protocol. Here are a few points that might help you make a decision:

Are you an e-commerce store that deals with sensitive indian contact number list credit card and personal information? If so, securing your website with HTTPS is the best solution. It will help you gain the favor and trust of your online customers and ensure that you do not make the mistake of being too open to web attacks. Your online reputation will also benefit.

What if you’re not an e-commerce site but people are sending you their information (say, through a lead gen site)? Again, you should use HTTPS. People rely on the web to be secure and that their personal data won’t be compromised. This helps add an extra layer of trust and legitimacy to your business.


Should you use Let's Encrypt's free option? Well, it depends. Are you just starting out and don't have a budget? Then this is a good option. But if you're a business making thousands of dollars, you might be better off using a paid option like GeoTrust or Comodo. They all do the same thing, but in marketing, perception matters.

Whether you choose to stay at is up to you. But if you want to create a more secure web, switching to https:// is a great option to take advantage of.
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