Creating an online store with WordPress and WooCommerce is simple, it's just a few basic steps to fill out data and nothing more. It's nothing you can't learn with the WooCommerce course I took and that's available for free on the SiteGround Spain YouTube channel .
Now, this does not mean that your online store is correctly configured to start creating products and take advantage of your opportunity to sell in the world of Ecommerce .
Whether for organization, planning, or even for search engine positioning, you must know, but above all understand the importance of product categories, labels, and attributes, as well as what each of these taxonomies is used for and, above all, how to use them correctly so that they provide meaning and value to the products in your online store.
« Note: Taxonomy refers to any method of ordering or classifying elements of any kind »
Although I'll go into more detail in this guide, it's interesting, even convenient, for you to take a look at some point at the video on managing taxonomies in WooCommerce that I made for the WooCommerce course on creating online stores, available on the SiteGround YouTube channel, and that you can review right here...
This video is a good start to visually understand how to create them, but it’s worth going into more detail about the importance of categories, tags and attributes in WooCommerce so let’s get to it…
What are categories in WooCommerce and what are they for?
We could say that categories, in WooCommerce, are the main way of organizing and classifying products in your online store.
In addition, categories, like other taxonomies, can be a navigation resource for your online store customers.
In the real world, the categories of your WooCommerce online store would be the types of products, including the sections of your store, with their shelves differentiated by type of product.
How to Create Product Categories in WooCommerce
Although you can add product categories at any time while creating or editing a product, you should at least have a clear structure and hierarchy in place before you start creating products. This way, you will avoid improvising in the future when creating categories and the different sections of your online store will have meaning and coherence.
Categories can have hierarchies, so you can create categories and subcategories of the main categories.
To create a new category go to the Products > Categories menu and you will see the screen with the list of existing categories, as well as the fields to fill in to create new categories.
complete each and every one of the fields of the new category, and I will explain below what they are, their usefulness and importance:
Name : The visible name of the category, which will appear everywhere in the store where category names are displayed, and also the default SEO title.
Slug : The part of the URL that identifies the category.
Parent Category : If it is a subcategory of a main category, select it from the korea whatsapp number data dropdown, otherwise leave it as “None”
Description : Visible description of the category. Think of a good description that clearly defines the products that will be found in it, as well as details of quality, guarantees, etc. This description will also be the default description for SEO.
Display Type : In this section you can choose how the products in this category will be displayed in the online store listings, being able to choose between:
Default: Will inherit the settings configured in the WordPress customizer.
Products: When the customer clicks on the category image, all the products in that category will be displayed, as well as those in its subcategories.
Subcategories: When the customer clicks on the category image, only the images of the subcategories will be displayed.
Both: When the customer clicks on the category image, both the images of the subcategories and the products of both will be displayed.
Thumbnail : Image that will be displayed in the online store listings to identify the products in the store. It is important that you choose it well, and that it does not match any individual product.
Additionally, you can also create categories from the product editor, simply by adding them to the category list of the product you are creating or editing.