Step 1: Understand Google's Criteria

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Step 1: Understand Google's Criteria

Post by ahbappy250 »

Before you can start improving your on-page SEO, you need to understand how Google thinks, specifically its algorithm. The search engine giant focuses on a few areas to determine the best content to serve to a user who makes a query:

Google evaluates the overall experience of a person who lands on the page for the first time. With the Core Web Vitals update, Google will pay special attention to the first impression of the site, such how to get australia whatsapp number as the speed of the site and the speed with which people can interact with your content.
Google looks carefully at the content. It wants to identify content that is relevant to the query, which means it will look at the keywords and phrases used.
The search engine wants to see how people interact with the content. Do they leave the page right away? Do they spend time on the site’s content? These are signals that indicate whether the people who land on the page find it useful.
Finally, Google wants high-quality content that is also credible and trustworthy. This means it will want to see material with a high degree of authority.
With the right tools and on-page SEO strategies, you can improve your ability to meet Google's criteria and your ranking in the SERPs. Our On Page SEO Checker helps you by suggesting specific technical changes, such as more appropriate title tags and content that is not duplicated.


Step 2: Use your target keyword in the first paragraph
Using your main keyword in the first paragraph helps you clarify your purpose and topic from the start. Remember that the search engine algorithm looks for keywords and terms that give it clues about your content and the type of information it contains.

Providing a central keyword in the first paragraph of your content will make your intent clear. As you build your content, start incorporating semantically related keywords and/or synonyms that have a strong relationship to the main keyword and that Google expects to see.

Do keyword research and help search engines know which words are important in your industry. Keyword density should remain natural so that the content sounds fluid.
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