Diplomas and certificates are marketing triggers in themselves, but in the case of selling industrial equipment, their presence also takes on a purely pragrammatical meaning. After all, the target audience (entrepreneurs, procurement specialists, engineers) constantly faces requirements from various authorities. This includes compliance with numerous standards, etc.
The authenticity of many state-issued certificates can now be verified online. Therefore, to increase trust, you can use links to the websites of the relevant government agencies.
Show potential customers that you have everything “on paper”!
The company's history is worth telling
Of course, having a bright past does not guarantee the same future - even a top commercial organization can unexpectedly go bankrupt. Nevertheless, most people are interested in the past when assessing whatsapp phone numbers list the reliability of a counterparty. If your company has been around for many years and has managed to establish itself well, tell us about it!
Potential clients want to make sure that you are on solid ground and that they will not have to hire another contractor to service the purchased equipment in a couple of months, which can be expensive, especially if we are talking about some non-standard project.
It’s not even a fact that they will click on the “company history” tab, but the very fact that such a tab exists will let the user know that you’ve been on the market for a long time.
Showing “how it works” is especially important
We recommend that you supplement your company's story with interesting videos showing your production process in action. Firstly, many people are interested in "How it works" in principle - it's not for nothing that the famous Discovery Channel has been broadcasting a series of the same name for 19 years. Secondly, such videos are a great way to dilute the texts and technical documentation that usually abound on websites selling industrial equipment.
Thus, on the website of the engineering company "Relematika" we made such a video background on the main page. Thanks to this, the user gets an idea of our Customer's company as a high-tech company.
A visual, dynamic image is often more attractive and convincing than words. If there is a lot of text, dilute it with video clips.
Low frequencies are in favor - money loves meticulousness
Perhaps, the sale of industrial equipment is the very area where some rare requests can literally become a "gold mine". Even if requests like "order a series of (such and such) machines with installation" are entered only a few times a year throughout Russia, it makes sense to create separate pages for them. On the one hand, the cost of industrial equipment is quite high. On the other hand, often the purchase of such goods implies further maintenance, purchase of parts, consumables, etc.
In promotion for such queries, the most meticulous ones win. Read about examples of such victories here.
Finally, we note: the process of purchasing industrial equipment often involves the most highly qualified specialists. Collegial decisions are also quite common - b2b is b2b. Therefore, you won't get anywhere with pushiness and the notorious "creativity". Selling industrial equipment and technically complex goods is an ambitious and multi-level task. Let's solve it together!