Five steps to preselect candidates

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Five steps to preselect candidates

Post by Aklima@42 »

After opening a selection process for candidates to fill a job position, we will probably find ourselves with a large number of applications to screen for. Now, our job will be to find the most suitable profiles to move on to the next phase of the selection process.

The steps necessary to make this procedure as perfect as possible involve organisation and method . The exhaustion of the recruiter should not be a factor in the failure to analyse the profiles correctly, so it may also be important to distribute the task and control the times.

Order and objectivity
The analysis of a candidate begins with an adequate understanding of the needs of the position to be filled, since this is where the crux of the matter lies. Not in our personal considerations, but in practical terms. Therefore, the five fundamental steps when making a preselection of candidates are the following:

Review the analysis of the position to be college and universities email list filled, or all the information we have about it.
Study the ideal candidate profile, which should have been created after the job analysis.
Detecting requirements among candidates
Classify the applications according to whether they meet the requirements more or less
Respond to applicants, either positively or negatively
As we can see, in the steps I have not opted for a simple discrimination in absolute terms, discarding CVs after the first visit because I consider that they do not perfectly meet what we are looking for, since to what degree was that possible rejected candidate better or worse than another that has been selected?


The fastest and most subjective method does not make a good selection, as applications are not dealt with appropriately. Another thing is that the company marks certain red lines , so that candidates who clearly go beyond the marked limits could be directly rejected.

How to classify applications?
The grading methods are very varied and also depend on whether we have the CVs/cover letters in physical form or by email, etc. The ideal would be to standardize all the applications to a format, but this is not always productive, so the task can be divided by volume or medium, having one person grade the applications received by email, others by online platforms and another those received by mail or directly.
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