Not every subpage or directory on your website is so important that it should be crawled by conventional search engines without fail. With the help of the robots.txt file , you can manage the indexing of your site and determine which WordPress subpages should be taken into account by the crawler and which should not. This way, your website will rank significantly better in online searches . Here we explain what the robots.txt file does in WordPress and how you can optimize it yourself.
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What is the WordPress robots.txt file?
So-called crawlers search the Internet 24 hours a day for web pages. These morocco phone number data ots are sent by the respective search engines and detect as many pages and subpages as possible (indexing) in order to make them available for search. In order for the crawlers to read your website correctly, they need to be guided. This way, you avoid indexing content that is irrelevant to the search engines and ensure that the crawler only reads the content it should read.
You can use robots.txt to control this aspect. With WordPress and other CMS, this file is used to determine which areas of your site should be detected by crawlers and which should not. Through robots.txt you can exclude or allow bots and also make fine-grained distinctions about which search engines find which entries and then render them in search. Since each domain only has a limited crawl budget, it is even more important to boost the main pages and remove insignificant subpages from the search volume.